Gunite is a building technique consisting of shooting concrete into walls and surfaces by using a kind of canyon. When we use this technique we can build on any kind of surfaces, even on sand, so we can obtain solid walls, more resistant and thinner than made of any other material.

Gunited surfaces can stand and contain any pressure or weight. Its impermeability makes it perfect for building pools and artificial lakes.

The main advantage of gunite is that we can build any surface by using less quantity of the material, and still obtaining more durable buildings.

Gunite is the perfect technique for theming works (theme parks, zoo parks, or water parks), because it allows us to make and mold nature-like elements, such as trees, rocks or animals. We can also create fantasy characters or items.

We work following the next steps:

  • We delimit the building space by installing the framework
  • We install plumbing and electric systems
  • We start applying several Gunite layers, always following the original design
  • After that, our artists will mold every surface and give them different shapes, depending on the original designs
  • In the end, we apply the finish layer (colors, another material, etc.)

Some of the most important characteristics of Gunite are:

  • High density and impermeability. Gunite is perfect for pools, artificial rivers or lakes, and its maintenance.
  • Maintenance costs can disappear because Gunite is very hard and usually doesn’t break.
  • As we can mold it, we can obtain a totally plain surface, with no joints.
